Little Chicks Funding Project

At Graceland Hub, we believe in getting families to engage in small and medium-sized income-generating businesses that will go a long way in helping these family take care of immediate family needs. The Chicks Project fund aims to help develop sustainable business activities for families; with as little as $300, a family can create a business that can care for kids’ school needs.

Due to the favourable climate families simply need the rooster chicks and leave the chicks grow in their local environment without necessarily spending huge amount of money to feed the chicks. With this concept, all we provide the families is chicks that minimal capital and the local farm grows organically with time. 

High-producing, well-fed backyard hens can lay up to 250 eggs per year. This is because it takes 24-26 hours to create each egg, and hens take a natural break each year for molting – often as days get shorter in the fall. You can start donating with as little as $25. Generous contributors like you bring joy into the lives of many people across the globe—safe life by donating funds to the Chicks Project today. Thanks for visiting and donating to one of our causes.